Omayra Ortega
Associate Professor

(707) 664-2139
Darwin 114NOffice Hours
Dr. Ortega is on Sebbatical and will return Fall 2025
Using the tools from statistics, mathematics, public health and epidemiology, Dr. Ortega tackles the emerging health issues. She is deeply committed to broadening the participation of underrepresented minorities in STEM and mentoring students through the challenges of academia.
University of Iowa, PhD Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences (2008), MPH Master's Degree in Public Health with a concentraion in Biostatistics (2005), MS Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences (2005) Pomona College, BA Pure Mathematics (2001), BA Music Performance (2001)
Academic Interests
Mathematical Epidemiology, Differential Equations, Stochastic Processes, Math & Stats Education
Selected Publications & Presentations
Agusto, F., Erovenko, I.V., Fulk, A., Abu-Saymeh, Q., Romero-Alvarez D., Ponce, J., Sindi, S., Ortega, O., Saint Onge, J.M.,Townsend Peterson, A. “To isolate or not to isolate: The impact of changing behavior on COVID-19 transmission” Submitted to BMC Public Health Journal. Preprint
F Agusto, A Goldberg, O Ortega, J Ponce ,S. Zaytseva, S Sindi and S Blower. “How do interventions impact malaria dynamics between neighboring countries? A case study with Botswana and Zimbabwe.” In Using Mathematics to Understand Biological Complexity, Springer, 2020. (ISBN: 978-3-030-57128-3)
President, National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote excellence in the mathematical sciences and promote the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities. In this capacity, Dr. Ortega serves as the official spokesperson of NAM and the chair of the Executive Committee. Her term began in 2021 and will continue until February 28, 2024. She previously served as the editor of the NAM Newsletter and chaired the Publicity and Publications Committee from 2018-2021.