Martha H. Byrne
Associate Professor

(707) 664-3726
Darwin 114KBiography
Dr. Byrne (a.k.a. Martha B.) studied math and Spanish as an undergraduate at Knox College in Galesburg, IL and then taught high school math in Massachusetts for 5 years before pursuing her PhD at the University of New Mexico where she earned her MS and PhD in mathematics and conducted research in undergraduate mathematics education. She worked as a visiting professor at Earlham College in Richmond, IN for three years before moving to Santa Rosa and starting at SSU in 2016. Her research is still focused on undergraduate math ed, but the focus has shifted primarily to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and group-worthy tasks. She's one of the advisors for the math majors with a concentration in secondary math ed, and she teaches many courses for future teachers.
B.A. in Math - Knox College; M.S. in Pure Math - University of New Mexico; PhD in Math - University of New Mexico
Academic Interests
transition to proofs, pre-service teachers, games and mathematics
Selected Publications & Presentations